目前分類:首爾篇Seoul (23)

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2017-08-26 密碼文章 泰國接客帝帥哥分享 2015篇 /Cute Thai Guys of Jack'D 2015 (877) (0)
2017-08-26 閣樓粗國趣之首爾 SKY 浴池遊記 / sex tour in Sky sauna Seoul (2571) (0)
2017-08-26 閣樓粗國趣之棒子國和阿拉伯和哥斯大黎加 top的滾床單記 (2485) (0)
2017-08-26 2015年首爾最新三溫暖資訊 / 2015 seoul gay sauna information update (3920) (0)
2017-08-26 2014年首發男色選美 韓國 Mr Coolguy ! / First male beauty pageant of 2014 (308) (0)
2014-05-31 密碼文章 韓國接客帝帥哥分享番外篇 Cute korean guys of Jack'D another charter (1739) (1)
2013-09-08 四度扯扯韓國淡之韓國很多BI? Is there so many BI in korea? (1119) (1)
2013-09-08 密碼文章 韓國接客帝帥哥分享(1) cute korean guys from Jack'D (1) (1488) (0)
2012-12-21 談談韓國鈣圈 Let's talk about Korea gays! (6247) (13)
2012-12-17 我在首爾和21根棒子的第二發--比利時大雕男!Me,and 21 korean cocks with Belgium man(second charter) (4727) (3)
2012-12-09 2012三度扯扯韓國淡! Lets talk about korean again! (652) (3)
2012-12-03 2012韓國鈣桑拿最新資訊 Let's talk about korea gay sauna! (1684) (3)
2012-11-27 首爾四度遊之我和21隻棒子的第一章 Me,and 21 korean cocks(first charter) (1355) (11)
2012-11-23 韓國帥哥拍拍篇(1)Korea cute guys shoot! (1206) (2)
2012-11-21 2012年繼續扯扯韓國淡 Let's talk about korea (256) (1)
2012-11-19 Seoul四度遊-那個讓我難忘的首爾男孩(下)I meet a warm boy in the cold seoul nite!(end charter) (1319) (12)
2012-11-18 서울4度遊--我與那個首爾男孩[上] My fourth trip in korea-the seoul boy who bring me a flower(first charter) (756) (14)
2011-10-26 閣樓出國趣之棒子不轉彎 Let's talk about korean ! (298) (6)
2011-10-11 閣樓出國趣之扯扯韓國蛋! Let's talk about korea! (227) (1)
2010-10-21 再訪肌肉男國Seoul! Visit muscle hunk National Seoul! (4132) (9)
2010-09-27 首爾情色之旅--棒子國遊記番外篇! Seoul Gay Sauna Erotica tour! (52109) (26)
2010-08-15 我在棒子國,猛吃棒子(下篇)I'm in korea,I eat korean hunk! (3678) (5)
2010-08-02 泡菜國不吃泡菜(上篇)In korea,not just eat Kimchi ! (336) (4)